Nonprofit Membership Signup
Join our Network of Changemakers
See all pricing options to joining the Good Ask network.
Group 1
If annual revenue in the prior fiscal year was less than $500,000
Reimbursement of membership fee if the nonprofit does not raise $720 in 12 months through the Good Ask platform
Unlimited participation in Good Ask Giving Challenges
Access to matching gifts and bonus prizes
Exclusive branded page on Good Ask’s site
Access to knowledge resources to build fundraising capacity
Group 2
If annual revenue in the prior fiscal year was between $500,000 and $2,000,000
Reimbursement of membership fee if the nonprofit does not raise $900 in 12 months through the Good Ask platform
Unlimited participation in Good Ask Giving Challenges
Access to matching gifts and bonus prizes
Exclusive branded page on Good Ask’s site
Access to knowledge resources to build fundraising capacity
Group 3
If annual revenue in the prior fiscal year was higher than $2,000,000
Reimbursement of membership fee if the nonprofit does not raise $1,500 in 12 months through the Good Ask platform
Unlimited participation in Good Ask Giving Challenges
Access to matching gifts and bonus prizes
Exclusive branded page on Good Ask’s site
Access to knowledge resources to build fundraising capacity
Book a call
Find out how Good Ask can support your nonprofit by setting up a call with our team.
It’s a win-win!
How Good Ask works
With Good Ask, all dollars raised by our nonprofit partners are unrestricted and can be used for specific programs or general operating support. The nonprofit partner keeps 90% of every donation (after deducting payment processor fees). Good Ask holds the remaining 10% of the funds raised to create new giving challenges and invest in marketing to help bring new donors and fundraising champions to support our nonprofit partners.
What’s in for you?
How can nonprofits raise funds with Good Ask?
Once Good Ask approves your organization as a network member, we will designate your nonprofit as a beneficiary of one or more Giving Challenges throughout the year, tailored to your mission and field of work. Your organization will have the opportunity to raise funds in two ways:
Through Fundraising Champions
Fundraising Champions can join a Challenge, select your organization, and raise funds on your behalf.
Through Donors
Your nonprofit will also be able to receive donations from anyone interested in supporting your work.
For Nonprofit Partners
Good Ask is a professional fundraising platform created to help nonprofits raise unrestricted funds while allowing these organizations and their fundraising champions to win prizes.
Just as important as the funds raised through Good Ask, the platform operates as a collaborative, capacity-building network, allowing member organizations to increase their fundraising capacity, deepen their engagements with donors, and strengthen their impact in the community.
First, your nonprofit must join the Good Ask network by selecting one of the membership options on the ‘Nonprofit Signup’ page. Once your nonprofit becomes a member of the Good Ask network, we will assign your organization as a beneficiary of one or more Good Ask giving challenges throughout the year, considering your organization’s mission and field of work.
Unrestricted funds: All dollars raised by nonprofit organizations with Good Ask are unrestricted and can be used for specific programs or general operating support.
Prizes: Prizes are additional opportunities for participating organizations to win extra dollars during a Good Ask Giving Challenge. Good Ask will announce the list of prizes via email blast, on social media, and on the website prior to the launch of each Challenge.
Capacity- & Community-Building Opportunities: Good Ask offers a strategic blend of capacity-building opportunities and accessible supporting videos and resources to help improve your organization’s fundraising capacity. Organization leaders and their teams will feel supported and gain access to skills and strategies to keep participating and benefiting from Good Ask.
Increase visibility to your cause: Organizations participating in Good Ask Giving Challenges increase online visibility while engaging new donors and prospects. Once approved, your organization’s profile will be searchable on the Good Ask website.
Absolutely! The organization can be selected as a beneficiary of one or more giving challenges.
Your organization will receive one point for every dollar an individual raises or donates to you.
The prize winners are determined solely and exclusively by the leaderboards of each Good Ask Challenge (nonprofit leaderboard and individual leaderboard), displayed on this site, reflecting the total number of points acquired per individual and per nonprofit partner during the Challenge entry period.
Each Good Ask Challenge offers one or more prizes to individual participants and to our nonprofit partners. A description of the prizes can be found on each challenge page. Although we see these prizes as an extra incentive for people to engage and participate, the biggest prize is the opportunity to contribute to positive change by helping these great organizations raise funds to support their fantastic work.
Absolutely! All supporters are encouraged to donate to as many missions as generously as they can. You donors can go to your page, select the Giving Challenge using the donation button, and make a donation.
The minimum gift amount is $10. There is no maximum gift amount.
Yes! That’s part of our value we create to our nonprofit partners so they can amplify the funds raised with matching gifts. We work with donors and sponsors and ask them to commit dollars to matching gifts and other prizes. Matching gifts varies from Challenge to Challenge, but securing these commitments is one of our biggest priorities.
All dollars raised by our nonprofit partners are unrestricted and can be used for specific programs or general operating support. The nonprofit partner keeps 90% of every donation (after deducting payment processor fees). Good Ask holds the remaining 10% of the funds raised to cover operational expenses, create new giving challenges, and invest in marketing to help bring new donors and fundraising champions to support our nonprofit partners.
Prizes: we invest most of the nonprofit membership dollars in Challenge prizes for individual participants and nonprofit partners.
Marketing: investing in marketing helps us bring new fundraising champions and donors to support our nonprofit partners.
Operational Expenses: we allocate a small portion of membership dollars to cover operational expenses of our giving challenges.
Yes! Good Ask will donate the money back to the nonprofit partner if the nonprofit partner does not raise the membership fee amount in 12 months. For example, if a nonprofit partner pays a membership fee of $900 and does not raise anything in 12 months, Good Ask will donate $900 to the nonprofit at the end of that membership year. In another example, if a nonprofit partner pays a membership fee of $900 and raises $300 during the membership year, then Good Ask will donate $600 to the nonprofit partner at the end of that membership year (see nonprofit membership terms for additional details).
We would love to hear from you! If you would like to nominate a nonprofit to join our network, have ideas for new fundraising challenges, or just want to share your constructive feedback, you can contact us at