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Empower Changemakers Through Giving Challenges

Raise funds for your favorite cause and win amazing prizes!


Have fun, do good, win big

Win amazing prizes while making a difference for your favorite cause

Good Ask creates giving challenges to raise funds for nonprofit organizations while offering fundraising champions a chance to win amazing prizes.

Have Fun

Join a Challenge

Do Good

Donate or raise funds

Win Big

Win amazing prizes

For Nonprofits

Unlock the potential of giving

Good Ask is a collaborative network that supports nonprofits worldwide by connecting them to donors, fundraising champions, and strategic partners. As a member of the Good Ask network, nonprofits have:

  • Unlimited participation in giving challenges

    To boost your ability to raise unrestricted funds.

  • Access to matching gifts and bonus prizes

    To increase your revenue potential.

  • Brand visibility

    To showcase your mission, projects, and impact.

  • Access to knowledge and resources

    To build your fundraising capacity.


We are living in the creator’s economy. Every person with a social media account today is a content creator and has the power to inspire someone else to do good, whether that is a small group of friends or a multi-million audience of followers.


We created a fundraising platform to channel the power of individual networks for good. We allow everyone to win prizes while helping nonprofits raise funds to scale positive impact. This model enables nonprofit organizations to expand their network of donors and ignite engagement while offering fundraising champions even more incentives to support the causes they love.


Experience giving

How to Participate in a Good Ask

Number one


Join a Challenge


Create your fundraising page.


Number two


Choose the nonprofit you would like to support


Our network of nonprofit partners is awesome! Just pick the cause that speaks to your heart!

Number three


Share your fundraising page


Share your page with your friends and family and ask them to donate. You can also donate. You and your selected nonprofit win one point for every dollar you raise or donate!

Would you like to see your favorite nonprofit join the Good Ask Network?

Book a Call

Find out how Good Ask can support your nonprofit by setting up a call with our team.